Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Base Hits Win Games

Based on the teachings of Alaister Begg:

In baseball, it is not always the homerun, spectacular as it is, that decides the outcome of a game. More often than not, it is getting on base, moving the runners over and getting them home. And more than the homerun, it is the singles and doubles that get players on base and move them along.

In approaching God, be it through His word or prayer or fellowship or acts of kindness, we strive for the homerun. And that is well and good. We'd like to be able to quote applicable Bible verses at will. And we'd like to have very successful food drives and hunger banquets and clothing donations and so forth. And helping to construct a home or go on a missionary trip or volunteering at a soup kitchen or shelter, these are all big deals. And wouldn't it be great if we knew all the hymns and understood their meaning? And maybe we'd like to lead a service. Or give a testimony about how God is present in our lives. There comes a point where we may press too much. In trying to hit a homerun, we strike out. If you look up some stats on baseball players, those who hit a lot of homeruns also strike out a fair amount. And even the players who are considered really good hitters, i.e. have a batting average around .300 fail to get on base 7 out of 10 times! How many other businesses would accept a 70% failure rate?

In order to come back to home plate, you have to touch all the bases first. And it is easier by far to get a base hit than a homerun. So, think on three things and these will help you in your quest.
One thing I know; one thing I ask; one thing I do.

One thing I know. Peter says to always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15. People may come to you with all sorts of questions about your faith. Or maybe someone struggling with their faith will come to for guidance. What if you're not especially learned in Scripture? What if you don't feel like you know the answers or what to say? Certainly, we can go to the default of 'praying without ceasing.' We can hold believers up in prayer. That's a great thing. But what if someone wants concrete answers? What if you're looking for something more? Where to begin?

One thing I know. When a blind man was healed by Jesus, (John, chapter 9) he was asked all sorts of questions about his healing. And they questioned him about Jesus. "How can a sinner do such miraculous signs?" And he had no idea. He didn't know if Jesus was a sinner. But he did know one thing.

"One thing I do know. I was blind, but now I see." John 9:25 What is it that we are blind to and need to see? The need for a savior. We blindly follow our own eyes and hearts that lead us astray. See Numbers 15:39 We may think that we are doing God's will in pursuing our own selfish ambitions. And it is not so. There is none who does good. Not even one. Apart from God. Apart from following His Word, what are we? With what can we approach the Almighty? What can we give to Him on high? Our righteous deeds are as filthy rags. It is by the shedding of his blood that you are saved from the punishment for sin.

"For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life." Lev 17:11 And Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He gave his life as a ransom for many. Worthy is the lamb that was slain.

One thing I know. I was blind but now I see. How do we see? Light. The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. Isaiah 9:2 Jesus said he is the light of the world. John 8:12 Those who follow him shall not walk in darkness, but have light. By your light, O God, do we see light. Walk in the light, as he is in the light. 1 John 1:7. (See my post on this verse)

to be continued...


leo509 said...
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leo509 said...

Thank you, kind sir.

I think people get intimidated when asked about God or to defend their beliefs. Maybe we don't know what to say or how to say it.

But even if we know only one thing, we have a good starting place.

Anna said...

That's so cool! I have to admit, though, now I'm curious as to what your house looks like, Ari *laughs* Anyway, awesome post B)

leo509 said...

Thanks, Lilly :)

It's a three story house. We rent out the first floor and we're on the top two floors. The third floor basically has two bedrooms and an attic space.