Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sin and Consequences, Gen 3:14-16 (part 3)

So we're discussing what it means for a woman to desire her husband but the husband to rule over her. I've stated that I don't think this means that a husband is to rule over his wife sexually or intellecutally.

Lilly: I've always taken it to mean that the woman will want to rule over the husband when it comes to making decisions. Like, if it comes down to something the wife and husband strongly disagree, but a decision has to be made, it's the husband's place to have the final say, but the woman will want the final say (and, being female, I admit, we like to talk too much :P). Just what I've heard.

This is a little nearer to what I had in mind. Kudos. :) Certainly, there ought to be discussion and open communication between husband and wife. Compromise when necessary. But the husband has the final say. I like that, since I'm the husband. :D But really, this can be abused very easily. Husbands are to take their wives' concerns and feelings and objections and proposals in mind and not to arbitrarily decide how things are to get done just because they feel like things should be done a certain way. A man who does not take his wife's point of view in mind does not respect God. God said to Abraham, "hearken unto Sarah's voice." We as husbands, must hearken to our wives as well.

I still wonder, how is Eve having to submit to her husband a consequence for Eve's disobeying God's command? The Torah is frustratingly silent on Adam's role in this whole episode. He was with her. Did he say anything? Did he object? Did he rebuke the serpent? Did he try to stop Eve? Did he say he didn't want to eat from the Tree but did anyway because Eve did? What did Adam do? I must confess I don't know.

But considering what God says to Adam later on in this chapter, there's a time to hearken to our wives and a time to "wear the pants" and be a firm decision maker. Adam was apparently pantsless.

I tell you a truth, it is a hard thing to submit your will to another, especially when you don't agree.


Anna said...

"Adam was apparently pantsless. "


Anyway, good stuff (of course, this has nothing to do with you agreeing with me ;) :P bahahaha jk :)).


leo509 said...

Heh. :)

Thanks. And of course not. :)
