Friday, June 19, 2009

Shir Ha Shirim chp 1 (cont'd)


v. 12 A pleasant dinner date perhaps? She wears perfume.

vv. 13, 14 The lover is compared to fragrant herbs and henna blossoms. What is this "resting between my breasts" business? Pretty graphic stuff for the Bible that doesn't always delve into explicit details regarding sex.

15 How beautiful you are, my darling!
Oh, how beautiful! Here is a good place to stop.
But he continues...
Your eyes are doves. Eh? This is flattering to his beloved, how? Not being on the receiving end of any 'compliment' such as this, I have no idea how this was supposed to be taken. Any ladies ever been told that your eyes are doves? How'd that make you feel? If you haven't suppose someobody did tell you this. What would you think?
16 How handsome you are, my lover!
Oh, how charming! Nice, so far
And then we get this .... And our bed is verdant. Their bed is green with vegetation? So, they sleep outdoors? Or, he brings in plants and flowers and herbs and spices and litters the bed with them? Or perhaps the bed is 'green' as in 'inexperienced' or 'unsophisticated.' But that hardly makes sense as they don't shy from explicit talk about sex. So, yeah, other insights would be appreciated.
17 A well built, sturdy house. Firs and cedars. Good, strong wood. May have been expensive as well. Of course, Solomon could afford it. But this may have been an unidentified couple that Solomon was writing about. We're looking at an ideal. The man is strong, wealthy and virile. The woman is beautiful and certainly uninhibited. She's not shy about declaring her love for her lover to her friends. Nor does she refrain from talking about her body or her lover's body.

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