Six days we are to work and one day to rest. That's the ratio; 6 to 1. The model given in the Bible is that humanity must work. But work is not a curse or punishment placed on humanity for the sin of eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.
God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to ... what? "to work it and take care of it." Gen 2:15. Work was ordained BEFORE Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. And the Sabbath was ordained before that sin as well.
Work is not a curse or a punishment-although many see it that way. Not everyone is blessed with attitude of looking foward to work. Not everyone likes their job. It's something we HAVE to do. I know that I don't look forward to Mondays. Oy, it's Monday. That means another work week about to begin. Grah. It's often hard to pull myself out of bed. But I go. And I suspect many others go because we don't like the alternative-not working. Not working means no money to pay bills or buy groceries or buy medicine or support your family. Not working means you're not a productive member of society. As much as we may not like our work (and God bless those who do) I think that we don't like the alternative more.
But thanks be to God that He gave us a respite from our busy work week. Six days work may be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath unto the Lord. Rest is meaningful and welcome after the six days of labor. If it were the other way around, how much would we appreciate the rest?
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You know? I never thought of that. I always sort of think of work as a punishment, not going to work, I loved having a job, but work in general as a bad thing thing. But really, doing nothing is utterly boring.
And you're right, the contrast makes rest that much better.
Thanks :)
Hey Sara, thanks for your comment. :)
Yes, I believe that a lot of us are accustomed to think of "work" as a four letter word (i.e. swear word).
But God decreed that we should work. I think we need a different perspective on work. Love work.
It has been said that if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. This aphorism assumes that work is bad. But that is not so. If you do what you love, you'll love your work.
For those of us not blessed to do what we love, can we still find it within ourselves to love work? Can we do our best at it, no matter what it is?
And yes, the contrast of 6 days of work to one day of rest makes the rest very sweet indeed.
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