Friday, September 5, 2008

Why so angry?

Let us say that God created us. Let us also say that God knows us intimately. He knows our thoughts. He knows our habits. He knows our likes and dislikes. He knows how we will act in every situation. He knows that have a sinful nature and that we will not always abide by His commands. Let us also say that He fashions our hearts. He knows that we will stumble and fall short of His Glory. He knows that we are fallible. Why then is He wroth when we act as He made us? Why does He express outrage and pronounce horrible curses upon us for our failure to fulfill every particular of His decrees? Why so harsh?

And I answer: We ought to know better. We were given the rules and the consequences. We were called by God not because we are special or better than any other people. We were called to spread His message of justice and righteousness of love and mercy of forgiveness and compassion. We are to be a light unto the nations. If we do not uphold our end of the deal, why should we expect God to deal kindly with us? Is not sin to be punished? Do we not learn from being chastised? As a man disciplines his son, so does God discipline us. The same root of discipline is in the word disciple. Are we His disciples? Let us act like it. Praise God for the opportunity to spread His Word and to bring Him glory.


Anna said...

Amen, Ari. Tis a good reminder. :)

Lilly ^_^

leo509 said...

Aye, that it is. :)

Thanks, Lilly :)